Learning & Development

Become a more Effective and Inspiring Leader

Are you ready to elevate your leadership skills and lead with authenticity? 

The 2-hour ‘Human Design for Leaders’ Consultation will provide powerful insights tailored to your unique personality and help you become a more effective and inspiring leader.

What You Get

Understand Your Leadership Strengths: Learn how to leverage your natural leadership talents and overcome challenges.

Confident Decision-Making: Discover your unique decision-making strategy for better outcomes. Avoid overthinking and potentially costly errors.

Better Team Dynamics: Improve communication with your team by preventing misunderstandings and conflict.

Authentic Leadership: Align your leadership style with your true self. Avoid the stress that come with leading inauthentically and not connecting with your co-founders, investors or team.

Better Mental Health: Gain clarity on your behaviorial patterns to stop feeling like you have to constantly wear a mask. Say good-bye to inner conflicts and potential burnout.

How It Works

Book Your Consultation

Once you have bought the 'Human Design for Leaders' Consultation, I will get in touch and send you a Calendly link, so you can pick a convenient time for your first session.

First Session - Discover Your Design

We will dive deep into your Human Design chart. You will learn about your energy type, strategy, authority, and unique leadership strengths. This session is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of your natural talents and potential challenges.

Second Session - Reflect and Integrate

This session focuses on reflecting on the insights gained from your Human Design chart and exploring practical strategies for applying these insights in your professional life. You will leave the session with actionable steps for immediate implementation.

By the end of these two sessions, you will have a clear understanding of your unique Human Design and how to leverage it for professional success and improved mental health.

The cost of the ‘Human Design for Leaders’ Consultation is 350 Euros. There are limited spots per month.


Meet Your Expert

I’m Lu, a serial entrepreneur and Human Design expert. Over the past 15 years, I have journeyed through high-powered corporate environments as well as the fast-paced world of startups and entrepreneurship.

Along the way, I have learnt valuable lessons about leadership, with the main one being: It doesn’t matter what goals you go after, you can only truly thrive as a leader when you show up as your authentic self.  

Through my own experience and realisations, I can now see how many professionals struggle with being authentic, which often leads to stress, burnout, and a sense of deep unfulfillment.

Now, I’m dedicated to helping leaders like you see their authentic self through personalized Human Design consultations. Let’s work together to enhance your leadership skills and achieve genuine success and fulfillment.

The Human Design consultation was incredibly insightful. Lu helped me understand my natural talents and how to leverage them in my leadership role. The personalized advice and actionable steps have made a huge difference in my professional life.

– Anna C, Founder

The insights I gained from my Human Design consultation were invaluable. I now understand my natural strengths and how to apply them effectively. I understand my team members better and I feel more confident in my decision-making. Worth every penny!

– Emily R, CMO


A Human Design consultation provides personalized insights into your natural leadership style, decision-making processes, and how to effectively communicate and collaborate with your team. This knowledge can help you lead more authentically and effectively, improving overall team dynamics and achieving better professional outcomes.

The two-hour reading is split into two one-hour sessions. In the first session, we will dive deep into your Human Design chart, exploring your energy type, strategy, and authority. The second session focuses on applying these insights to your professional life, providing practical strategies for enhanced leadership and decision-making.

Yes, all readings are conducted with the utmost confidentiality. Your personal information and the insights from your Human Design chart will be kept private.

Many clients report immediate insights and improvements in their leadership approach and team interactions. However, the full benefits of the consultation often become more apparent as you apply the strategies and insights over time.

If you need to reschedule your session, please contact me at least 24 hours in advance and we can find a new time for works for you.

Absolutely. Understanding your Human Design can help you align your professional goals with your personal values, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life. This alignment can reduce stress and improve your overall well-being, making you a more effective leader.

Please provide your birth date, time, and location when booking. This information is essential for creating your Human Design bodygraph. Other than that, just come with an open mind and be ready to explore new insights about your leadership potential!

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