The Meaning of the Juxtaposition Cross of Moods (55/59 | 9/16)

What is the Juxtaposition Cross of Moods in Human Design? 

The Juxtaposition Cross of Moods is an Incarnation Cross in Human Design. If you have never heard of the term “Incarnation Cross” before, you can find an in-depth description here. But in a nutshell, an Incarnation Cross represents the life theme or purpose that is aligned with your design. As such, it can offer you guidance around how to create a fulfilling life.

The Juxtaposition Cross of Moods is defined by the energies of four Gates – Gate 55, Gate 59, Gate 9 and Gate 16 – which come together to influence these major themes of your life. Let’s take a closer look at what type of energy each Gate contributes to this Cross.

Gate 55: Feeling Abundant

Found in the Emotional Solar Plexus, Gate 55 focuses on the richness of your emotions. It encourages you to find happiness and contentment from within, no matter what’s happening around you. If you have this gate active, you’re great at lifting others’ spirits and showing them how to find joy in any situation.

Gate 59: Building Deep Connections

Also in the Emotional Solar Plexus, Gate 59 is all about forming close, intimate bonds with people. It’s about trusting and opening up to others, allowing for deep emotional and sometimes physical connections. Your knack for breaking down walls helps you and others feel closer and more understood.

Gate 9: Keeping Focused

Gate 9 is located in the Sacral Center and gives you the power to stay focused even when emotions are running high. It helps you find calm in the chaos, allowing you to think clearly and make your ideas a reality. With this gate, you’re able to take a step back and handle your feelings without getting overwhelmed. It also gives you meticulous attention to detail and enables you to see the subtle but critical parts of a larger picture that others might miss.

Gate 16: Enthusiasm for Mastery

Found in the Throat Center, Gate 16 is linked to your enthusiasm and ability to do things well. It’s about using your emotional energy to fuel your creativity and passions, and turning what you love into something you’re really good at. It’s often called the Gate of Skills and speaks to a love of learning and self-improvement. This gate also highlights a natural enthusiasm for life, which will naturally draw people to you for your expertise and infectious energy.

Your Life Purpose with the Juxtaposition Cross of Moods

Having the Juxtaposition Cross of Moods in your Human Design means that your life’s purpose is all about diving deep into emotions while keeping a clear sense of direction. It’s about finding happiness within yourself and helping others find theirs too.

You’re meant to build strong, meaningful relationships based on trust and openness, and show how important it is to be true to oneself and to others. With a focus on turning your passions into actions, you inspire everyone around you to follow their hearts and use their unique talents in a meaningful way.

Your purpose also involves staying steady and moving forward, even when emotions run high. This balance helps you achieve your dreams and shows others they can do the same, even in tough times.

In short, your mission with the Juxtaposition Cross of Moods is to help build a world where emotions are a strength and where you can guide people to express themselves freely and connect with others in authentic ways.

How to Succeed in Life

For those guided by the Juxtaposition Cross of Moods, mastering your emotional nature means learning to move with your emotional waves. It’s essential to learn the wisdom within your own feelings and trust this inner guidance to inform your actions and decisions. Practicing patience before reacting, especially in emotionally charged moments, can be transformative.

You excel in environments where you can build sincere connections and delve into deep conversations. Your ability to charm and your meticulous nature draw people to you, helping you to build relationships on authenticity.

Here are a few tips to support your personal growth.

  • Embrace Your Emotional Depth: Recognize that your ability to feel deeply is a powerful tool for navigating life. Embrace these emotions as they come, knowing that they provide you with unique insights and empathy that can guide your decisions and connections with others.
  • Invest in Your Passions: Find joy in activities that stir your interest. Dedicating time to improving your capabilities not only brings satisfaction but also opens up opportunities for new endeavors and connections.
  • Choose Your Friends Wisely: Your natural affinity for deep, emotional connections is a strength. Use this to build relationships based on trust and authenticity. These relationships will support you in your journey and amplify your success.
  • Find Balance: Learning to balance your emotional depth with practical actions is key. While it’s important to honor your feelings, also focus on setting clear goals and taking steps towards them. This balance will help you stay grounded and productive, even when emotions are intense.
  • Learn from Emotional Experiences: Every emotional experience, whether positive or negative, offers valuable lessons. Reflect on these experiences to gain wisdom and strength, applying these lessons to your future endeavors to navigate life more smoothly.
  • Use Emotions Creatively: Channel your emotional energy into creative or productive outlets. Whether it’s through art, writing, or any form of expression that resonates with you, using your emotions creatively can lead to fulfilling achievements and can be a source of inspiration for others.

By understanding and responsibly sharing your emotions, you will not only find personal joy but also empower others. Embodying the essence of the Juxtaposition Cross of Moods means you’re contributing to an emotionally conscious and compassionate world.

Common Challenges for the Cross of Moods

  • Emotional Swings and Their Impact on Relationships: One of the core challenges faced by those with the Cross of Moods is managing their emotional highs and lows. This can be particularly taxing in close personal relationships. The fluctuating nature of their emotional state can create confusion and instability among partners and loved ones.
  • Consistency in Work and Focus: Professional life can also be affected by these mood shifts. Consistency in tasks and maintaining focus can be difficult when your inner emotional landscape is in flux. This inconsistency can hinder productivity, making it challenging to meet deadlines or manage a team effectively.
  • Inner Turbulence and Finding Balance: Internally, coming to grips with these mood swings can be a struggle. Finding a sense of balance and inner peace can be a continuous task for those under the influence of the Cross of Moods. This internal disharmony can lead to periods of self-doubt and hinder personal growth.
  • Social Expectations and Misunderstandings: Socially, people may misinterpret these mood swings as fickleness or indecision. This can lead to misunderstandings and strain in forming new relationships or maintaining old ones. People with the Cross of Moods often feel misunderstood or judged for something that feels beyond their control.

Practical Tips in Daily Life

  • Acknowledging and Accepting Emotional Patterns: The first step in managing the Cross of Moods is to recognize and accept the emotional patterns as part of who you are. Note the triggers and patterns that lead to emotional highs and lows, and work towards understanding your unique rhythm. Acceptance is critical for making progress in self-management.
  • Creating a Supportive Environment: Build a supportive environment, both at home and at work. Surround yourself with understanding friends, family, and colleagues who recognize the nature of your Cross and can provide the necessary support and space when needed.
  • Regular Mood Tracking: Consider keeping a mood diary. This can be a powerful tool for recognizing patterns and triggers in your emotional cycle. Over time, this will allow you to anticipate and prepare for mood shifts rather than being caught off guard.
  • Consistent Self-Care Practices: Engage in regular self-care routines. This may include exercise, meditation, or any practice that you find grounding. These activities can provide a sense of stability and help level out the emotional ups and downs.
  • Understanding and Communicating Your Needs: Improve your communication skills to better express your needs and the impact of your mood shifts. Being transparent with those around you can reduce misunderstandings and create a more empathetic environment.
  • Exploring Creative Outlets: Creative expression can be a therapeutic outlet for your feelings. Whether it’s through writing, painting, music, or another form of art, these activities can channel emotional energy in a positive and productive way.
  • Seeking Professional Guidance: Do not hesitate to seek guidance from therapists or coaches who specialize in emotional regulation and personal development. They can offer tailored strategies to improve your daily life while respecting the nature of your Human Design.
  • Cultivating Patience and Compassion with Yourself: Lastly, be patient and compassionate with yourself. Navigating the Cross of Moods takes time, and self-compassion is key to enduring the lows and responsibly enjoying the highs.

Understanding and handling the challenges that come with the Cross of Moods requires time, patience, and often a little bit of trial and error. But when you implement these practical tips, you are well on your way to find balance and personal growth. Embracing this aspect of your Human Design will lead to a more fulfilling life, offering deep experiences that enrich both your inner world and your relationships with others.


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