Find and Start the Right Business

Are you feeling stuck in your current career but dreaming of starting your own business? Perhaps you have an idea, or maybe you’re just drawn to the idea of becoming your own boss—but you’re not sure where to start or what kind of business is the best fit for you?

I have worked with hundreds of founders and started various businesses on my own, so I’m very familiar with what it takes to build a successful business or side hustle. 

Equipped with the wisdom of your Human Design and my entrepreneurial experience, I can help you find clarity and start a business that is fully aligned with who you are.

“The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Socrates

For Ambitious Individuals Ready to Explore Entrepreneurship

Starting a business is a big step, but even more important is ensuring you start the right business for you. 

If you’re feeling unsure about which direction to take and want to make sure that your business idea aligns with who you truly are, I’m here to guide you through that process. 

With Human Design as our foundation, we’ll dive deep into your unique traits, strengths, and goals to help you discover the type of business that suits your natural inclinations and sets you up for success.

Personalized & Straightforward Guidance

My coaching style is a blend of deep self-awareness through Human Design and practical, actionable business strategy.

Human Design helps us uncover who you are at your core—your natural strengths, how you manage your energy to create, and how you’re wired to make decisions. By understanding your design, we can tailor your business journey to fit your authentic self and ensure that the business you create aligns with your strengths and goals.

I bring both clarity and practicality to the process. Whether you need help structuring your ideas or working through doubts, I’ll be there to ensure that your business journey is aligned with who you are and what you want to achieve.

Your Journey to Building the Right Business

Here’s what you can expect from our time together:

Discover Your True Entrepreneurial Strengths

We’ll begin by diving into your Human Design chart to uncover your natural strengths, decision-making style, and work tendencies. This personalized blueprint will guide us as we identify the types of businesses that are best suited to your natural talents and energy.

Clarify the Right Business for You

We’ll explore, assess and align your business ideas with your Human Design, making sure that your business model, structure, and offering resonate with your true self. Whether you're drawn to a product-based business, a service offering, or a tech startup, we’ll figure out what fits best for you.

Create a Tailored Business Roadmap

Once we’ve identified the right type of business, we’ll create a step-by-step action plan to get you started. This includes defining your target audience, refining your business offering, and developing a roadmap to bring your business vision to life in a way that works with your natural flow.

Continuous Support and Guidance

I’m not just a coach—I’m your partner in building the right business for you. I’ll be there to guide you through every step, providing the support, accountability, and practical advice you need to build a business that feels aligned and fulfilling.

Ready to Start the Right Business for You?

If you’re ready to break free from professional stagnation and create a business that reflects your true strengths and aspirations, I’m here to help. 

Book Your Free Discovery Session Now and start your journey toward building the business that’s right for you.


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